Dump Illegal Littering

Seras provides computer services and other Information Technology support to businesses in the greater Columbia, SC area from Newberry to Orangeburg and Sumter to Lexington!  Our Records Management division works with businesses across the state to help with document scanning, workflow consulting, and often electronic waste recycling.  With our commitment to the local community and environment, it was disheartening when one of our partners found a pile of televisions illegally dumped on his property.  When asked about the event, here is what he said:


"I was enjoying a beautiful morning at our family farm - working on the tractor, cleaning up, and spending time with friends and family when I came across some televisions that someone had dumped on the side of a road.  We have seen paint, mattresses, and other items over the years, but these televisions really hit home because Seras actively works to keep our local community informed of the recycling resources available to them."

If you are in South Carolina, you can locate recycling resources in your county here.  We understand that new regulations make things inconvenient - you can't just put stuff on the curb anymore.  However, items can be taken to a local recycling center in the same amount of time that it would take to drive to the country and illegally dump them.

South Carolina litter laws indicate that if caught, the persons responsible for dumping these televisions would be assessed a minimum of $1000.00 plus court assessments and 15 hours of mandatory litter cleanup.  They could also be sentenced to jail time between 30 days to one year.

Seras encourages you to ethically dispose of all trash - recylceable or not!