Seras is pleased to announce that it has completed yet another high quality document scanning project for Palmetto State Teachers Association (PSTA)! PSTA needed more space in their Columbia, SC facility to help sustain their growth, efficiency, and the high levels of professionalism for which they are known. After some consideration, Seras was chosen to perform PSTA's required document scanning and organization based on professional communication practices, strong references, and a very high commitment to security and the protection of client information. Over the last couple of years, Seras has provided document scanning to scholarship foundations, construction companies, law firms, surveyors, property management firms, and a number of other clients in Columbia and in other cities around the state of SC and beyond. The motivation behind document scanning varies, but is usually related to one of the following items:
Space: Every inch of an organization's office space is valuable, and the most efficient use of said space can dramatically enhance profitability, customer satisfaction, employee morale, or a number of other critical operating factors - effective records management frees up this valuable space
Protection: Once information is gone, its gone - a simple document scanning program can easily protect against threats from fire, flood, or other catastrophic loss
Access: Shared file cabinets are accessible, but extremely debilitating in many situations - document scanning allows for easy sharing between employees at the click of a button whether they are in the same office, the same state, or the same country
Organization: filing and hard-copy records storage can be overwhelming with laborious re-shuffling to keep things in order - document scanning programs allow you to organize and effectively sort every document within your business
Security: Locked file rooms create cumbersome security protocols related to key control, alarms, cameras, written policies, and any number of other time-consuming activities - a secure document scanning service creates a number of quick and easy options for securing data from employees, customers, vendors, and identity thieves
The records management, and specifically the document scanning, industry is always changing with regards to image types, storage, and shared storage opportunities. However, these core motivators for the transition to scanning seem to remain the same. Placing a value on document scanning that is specific to your business takes only a few minutes and includes documented flexibility related to image clarity, budget requirements, organization, and several other critical factors that may or may not be related to your particular business.
More information about Palmetto State Teachers Association can be found by visiting their web site: