Data Security: Policy vs. Reality

Every company small or big, no matter the industry, has policies and procedures. Each policy has it's own purpose; from safety to marketing, from sales to operational efficiency, from data security to company image. Whatever the purpose, the policies are there to guide the employees toward accomplishing the overall goals and vision of the company.  Often these policies are neglected.

When that happens, at best the goals of the company are not met and at worst the company is dealing with catastrophe that may lead to it's demise.

One such policy which is often not followed by employees is the company's Data Security Policy.  Companies need a data security policy in place in order to help prevent theft, damage from natural disasters, corruption, and much more. There are consequences that are often overlooked until they end in disaster. A few weeks ago we discussed how to enhance your company's data security. Take a look back at that article to see some actionable steps that you can take to help protect your company from hackers, viruses and natural disasters.

Let's face reality.  Are your employees following the policies that your company has put in place to protect it?  That is a question that you will need to find the answer to.  Otherwise your company is at risk.  To put it into perspective, the folks at Code42 have put together this brilliant info-graphic detailing Data Security Policy vs. Reality:

data security


Are you ensuring that your employees are following your data security policy? Or are they ignoring it, either intentionally or even unintentionally?  Make sure your employees are trained and educated on the risks and proper use of their computers and all other technology.   Ensuring your employees are following the data security policy can potentially be the difference between a breach from a hacker, corruption due to malware, or physical damage due to lack of proper storage of equipment.

For help on establishing, reviewing and enforcing a data security policy that will help protect your company from the many dangers out there, contact Seras here or call us today: 803.233.9216!