Network Management

Working From Home: The Six Morning Habits of High Performers

Seras provides IT services and solutions to folks from Northeast, Irmo, Lexington, Downtown, and many other places across South Carolina. We at Seras have been exploring a variety of topics related to working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Topics ranging from security practices when working remotely to firewall and VPN tutorials.

Best Security Practices For Working From Home

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic businesses have had to be pro-active in ensuring the safety and health of their employees and their customers. Many businesses have been forced to shut down. Many have had to be creative in finding a workaround enabling their employees to be productive even if they’re quarantined. To do so many have been pushed towards working from home. But a company can’t just do this without taking proper security measures and planning. If they don’t they leave themselves vulnerable to the threats to their network.

Need help updating your networking equipment?

An open network rack changed out with a new server and a new rack in Columbia, SC.

Network & Server Management Done the Right Way!

The team had an awesome time helping a customer install and configure a new server along with replacing their rack with something much more organized and secure!  Not only did we get things organized and cleaned up, we configured remote access for a new segment of the client’s users and segmented file storage.  How does your network rack look – are things easy to locate and troubleshoot?  Are there any opportunities for efficiency or profitability within your computer and systems network?  Do you need help managing your security threats and requirements? Call us today to take a look at your network and see how we can help!